An act of service is a great way to encourage a patient. Just think of all the mundane daily tasks that sap your time and energy. Now try to imagine accomplishing them with cancer! We’ve compiled some ideas to get you thinking. And don’t forget the caregiver, all of these ideas can be applied to them as well!
• Partner with a friend. Have one of you take thepatient/caregiver out to lunch while the other cleans their house or does their laundry. Be sure to ask if they are comfortable with this before you do it. The next week – switch!
• Offer to drive or accompany them to treatments or doctor appointments.
• Ask if their service payments need to be taken care of.
• Set up a calendar of rotating tasks (i.e. cooking, cleaning, laundry, babysitting) which you and your friends can volunteer for.
• Find out what kinds of foods they like and can eat (by contacting the caregiver) and do some grocery shopping/cooking.
• Ask if they need a change of air and volunteer to take them out.
• Ask if they want to be active on social media and show them how.
• Utilize your creative skills to make something they can place in their room. Hospital rooms especially need this personal touch!
• If the patient is far away, take pictures of their friends and family. Have everyone hold a sign that has a personal message of encouragement.
• After you find out what they appreciate, PASS IT ON. Spread the word so more people can help.
• Do they have kids? Take the kids out for a fun day. Bring the kids’ favorite snacks to the hospital/home. Buy them handheld games for the waiting rooms.