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CIMS kids-Department of paediatric and neonatal critical care is committed to serve all kids who are in their critical phase of life during Treatment of various diseases requiring critical care. We share experience of HFOV in 4 extremely critical neonates and infants  where neonates/infants got excellent recovery in a significantly rapid time frame.


High Frequency ventilation- A name in paediatric critical care ; which drew lot of attention and proven its efficacy in extremely sick lungs due it’s unique feature of lung protective ventilation using very high respiratory rates (Between 3.5 to 15 hertz (210 – 900 breaths per minute) and very small tidal volumes (usually below anatomical dead space) by stretching alveoli at required PEEP.

Out of many type of HFV (High frequency ventilation); Oscillation is proven to be the best among other modes like HFJV (Jet), HFFI (Flow interruption). We are sharing our use of SLE5000 (HFOV) with one of the most recommended technology which has unique feature of combining conventional mode with HFOV-providing ability to switch over to CMS to HFOV and vise versa.

Which is specifically useful in neonatal patients in difficult weaning.

Where should it be used? : It is used in patients who have refractory hypoxemia that cannot be corrected by normal mechanical ventilation such as is the case in the following disease processes: i.e. HMD, Pneumothoraces (air leak), ARDS, ALI and other oxygenation diffusion issues i.e. RSV pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage etc. In some neonatal patients, HFOV may be used as the first-line ventilation mode due to the high susceptibility of the premature infant to lung injury from conventional ventilation.


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