Yoga & Rehabilitation
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Making your way to a heart-healthy lifestyle through education, supervised and monitored exercise, diet, stress management by yoga and counseling. If you have suffered a recent cardiac event. Benefits of cardiac rehab include:To help restore patients optimal level of physiological, psychological, social and vocational functions.
It helps boost up your confidence in day to day living through Heart Healthy Lifestyle by Education, Monitored Exercise, Diet counseling and Stress Management.
Goals of Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Regain strength and Endurance
- Prevent your condition from worsening
- Reduce or prevent your Risk of future heart problem
- Early return of Work
- Reduce Anxiety and Stress.
Cardiac Rehabilitation program includes:
Monitored Physical Activity – Aerobic exercise which helps improves your cardiovascular fitness through walking, cycling, elliptical or other endurance activities.
Anaerobic Exercise : – Strength training to increase your muscular fitness
Each individual has different exercise capacity : Our approach is to find your capacity to exercise and create tailor-made schedule for you and accordingly appropriate exercise is advised.
Exercise Session comprises of
Warm up : 8-10 mins
Stimulated exercise : Initial few days session may last only for 15-20 mins and gradually as patient fitness level improves intensity and duration is increased.
Cool down: 8-10 mins
During session your vital parameters are monitored pre, during and post exercise.
After achieving your fitness level maintenance is required either by continuing your exercise in rehab centre or home based.
Diet Counseling :
- Diet consultation following conditions
- High cholesterol
- Angioplasty
- Bypass surgery
- Valve replacement
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Nutrition in children
- Left ventricular dysfunction
Diet consultation based and helps you opt for heart healthy foods which keeps helps you shed those extra kgs. Gradual weight reduction is advised for obese patients, no crash diet are implemented and no hunger suppressants prescribed, instant weight loss is not promised by us but will help you reduce weight gradually by changing your faulty lifestyle and dietary habits.
Optimum body weight helps you,
- Look good
- Feel good
- Increase and maintain your self esteem
- Keeps your body active and fresh.
- Lifestyle modification and Education
Support and education on changing lifestyle and to discontinue unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, tobacco chewing. Helps you fight against stress, pain, lethargy associated with your heart condition through Yoga and meditation.
Medical Counseling and regular follow up with cardiology is provided.
Who can be benefited from cardiac Rehabilitation
- Individual suffering from Heart disease – angina, heart failure, myocardial infarction.
- Patients underwent Angioplasty, bypass surgery, valve replacement, pacemaker implanted patients.
- Prevention from medical ailments like Blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, family history of heart disease.
- Cardiac Rehabilitation team comprises of Cardiologist, Physiotherapist, Dietician
Timings of Rehabilitation Centre :
Monday to Saturday 7.00 am to 6.00 pm
Every Monday, Thursday, Saturday group exercise classes are conducted for patients this includes yoga and flexibility training.
Cardiac Rehabilitation program has several packages to suit your needs and required program is advised by us.
Each session comprises of one hour visit 4 times in week on alternate days.