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For many people, asthma attacks may happen more often in the winter.
While you’re indoors, you breathe in asthma triggers such as mold, pet dander, dust mites, and even fires in the fireplace. When you venture out, you could have an asthma attack from inhaling the cold air.
Here’s how to breathe easier during the cold months.
Learn Your Triggers
Having a dog or cat in your home may trigger your asthma. Try to keep it out of the bedroom.
Use mite-proof covers on the mattress, box springs, and pillows, he says. These help keep dust mites away overnight.

“Keep the house cool and dry — dust mites as well as mold don’t grow very well when it’s cool and dry,” Wedner says. Ways to help keep your home dry during the winter include:
1. Run the fan in your bathroom when taking a bath or shower.
2. Use the exhaust fan in the kitchen when cooking or using the dishwasher.
3. Fix leaky pipes and windows.

The common cold and flu are both more likely to strike in the winter and can lead to asthma flare-ups. You can lower your family’s risk of these illnesses, though:
Wash your hands. This helps keep viruses from getting into your body when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Stay away from people who are ill. If a co-worker or friend has the cold or flu, keep your distance.
Get a flu shot. Experts suggest that most people get a flu shot each year. This helps protect you from catching the flu.