Marengo CIMS Hospital is dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare services and fostering patient well-being. As part of our commitment to patient education, we have developed the Marengo CIMS Hospital Medical Encyclopedia—an invaluable online resource designed to empower patients with knowledge about various medical conditions, treatments, and preventive measures. This encyclopedia serves as a trusted and accessible repository of medical information, allowing patients to make informed decisions regarding their health and collaborate more effectively with healthcare professionals.


In a country like India, where wheat is a staple food in many regional cuisines, understanding wheat allergies becomes crucial for individuals with food sensitivities. Wheat allergy is an immune system reaction to proteins found in wheat. In this article, we will delve into the topic of wheat allergy in the Indian context, including signs and symptoms, classification, causes and triggers, risk factors, types of wheat allergy, diagnostic tests, treatments, complications, and prevention techniques. The aim is to provide comprehensive information using simple language for easy understanding.

Signs and Symptoms:

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of wheat allergy is important for prompt identification and management. Common signs include: 

  • Digestive symptoms: These may include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.
  • Skin reactions: Skin symptoms can manifest as hives, rashes, itching, or eczema.
  • Respiratory issues: Wheezing, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, or difficulty breathing may occur.
  • Anaphylaxis: In severe cases, wheat allergy can trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction characterized by swelling, throat tightness, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, rapid pulse, and low blood pressure.

What is “Wheat Allergy”? :

Wheat allergy is an adverse immune system response to proteins found in wheat. When someone with a wheat allergy consumes or comes into contact with wheat, their immune system reacts by producing antibodies, resulting in various symptoms.

 How is “Wheat Allergy” Classified? :

Wheat allergy can be classified into two categories:

  •  IgE-mediated wheat allergy: This type involves the immune system producing Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in response to wheat proteins. IgE-mediated wheat allergy can lead to immediate allergic reactions, often occurring within minutes to hours after exposure to wheat.
  • Non-IgE-mediated wheat allergy: In this type, the immune system reacts differently, without involving IgE antibodies. Non-IgE-mediated wheat allergy can cause delayed allergic reactions, with symptoms appearing several hours to days after consuming wheat.

Causes and Triggers:

Wheat allergy occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies certain wheat proteins as harmful invaders. The exact cause is unknown, but genetic and environmental factors may contribute to the development of this allergic response. The primary trigger for wheat allergy is the consumption or contact with wheat-containing products.

Risk Factors with Examples:

Several risk factors may increase the likelihood of developing wheat allergy. Examples include:

  • Family history: Individuals with a family history of allergies, particularly wheat allergy, are at a higher risk.
  • Age: Wheat allergy is more common in children, and many may outgrow it as they get older.
  • Other allergies: Individuals with existing allergies, such as pollen or other food allergies, may have a higher risk of developing wheat allergy.
  • Asthma or eczema: Having asthma or eczema may increase the risk of wheat allergy.

Types of Wheat Allergy:

  • Wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA): This is a rare type of wheat allergy that occurs when consuming wheat triggers an allergic reaction during or after intense exercise.
  • Baker’s asthma: Individuals with this type of wheat allergy may experience respiratory symptoms, such as coughing or wheezing, when inhaling wheat flour or wheat proteins in a bakery environment.
  • Wheat-dependent exercise-induced urticaria (WDEIU): This type of wheat allergy manifests as hives or skin rashes triggered by consuming wheat and exercising simultaneously.

Diagnostic Tests and Treatments:

To diagnose and manage wheat allergy, healthcare professionals may use various diagnostic tests. These tests include:

  • Medical history and physical examination: The doctor will inquire about your symptoms, medical history, and potential triggers to assess the likelihood of wheat allergy.
  • Skin prick test: A small amount of wheat protein extract is placed on the skin, and the doctor observes for any allergic reaction, such as a raised bump or redness.
  • Blood tests: Blood tests can measure the levels of specific antibodies, including IgE, to determine if an allergic reaction to wheat is present.

 Treatment options for wheat allergy can include:

  •  Avoidance of wheat: The primary approach for managing wheat allergy is strict avoidance of wheat and wheat-containing products.
  • Medications: Antihistamines can help relieve mild allergy symptoms, while epinephrine injectors (such as EpiPen) are used in emergencies for severe reactions.
  • Nutritional guidance: Working with a registered dietitian can help individuals with wheat allergy find suitable alternatives and ensure a balanced diet.

Complications and Prevention Techniques:

Complications associated with wheat allergy can include:

  • Anaphylaxis: Severe wheat allergy reactions can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Avoiding wheat may lead to nutritional imbalances, so it’s important to find suitable substitutes and ensure a varied diet.
  • Prevention techniques for wheat allergy include:
  •  Reading food labels: Carefully reading ingredient lists and identifying wheat-containing products can help avoid accidental exposure.
  • Communication: Informing others, including family, friends, and restaurant staff, about the allergy can prevent cross-contamination and accidental consumption.

Marengo Asia Hospitals, a trusted healthcare provider in India, is well-equipped to handle patients with wheat allergy. Wheat allergy is a condition where the immune system reacts adversely to proteins found in wheat. In this article, we will explore how Marengo Asia Hospitals can effectively manage patients with wheat allergy, providing explanations in simple language for easy understanding.

 Expert Diagnosis:

The hospitals within Marengo Asia Hospitals have experienced allergists and immunologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating wheat allergy. They will assess your symptoms, medical history, and conduct tests to confirm the diagnosis. These tests may include a medical history review, a physical examination, a skin prick test, and blood tests to measure specific antibodies.

 Personalized Treatment Plan:

Once diagnosed with wheat allergy, the healthcare team at Marengo Asia Hospitals will create a personalized treatment plan based on the severity of your allergy, your age, and overall health. The main goal will be to avoid wheat and wheat-containing products.

 Avoidance of Wheat:

The primary approach to managing wheat allergy is strict avoidance of wheat and any products that contain wheat. The healthcare professionals at Marengo Asia Hospitals will provide detailed guidance on reading food labels, identifying hidden sources of wheat, and finding suitable alternatives to ensure a balanced diet.

 Medication and Symptom Relief:

For mild allergic reactions, over-the-counter antihistamines may be recommended to relieve symptoms like itching or hives. However, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any medications. In severe cases, where anaphylaxis (a life-threatening reaction) is a concern, emergency epinephrine injectors, such as an EpiPen, may be prescribed. These injectors can quickly reverse severe symptoms and should be carried at all times.

 Nutritional Guidance:

To ensure you maintain a healthy diet despite avoiding wheat, the healthcare team at Marengo Asia Hospitals may refer you to a registered dietitian. The dietitian will help you identify suitable substitutes for wheat-based foods and guide you in maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.

 Regular Monitoring and Follow-up:

After the initial diagnosis and treatment plan, regular monitoring and follow-up appointments are essential. These visits allow the healthcare team to assess your progress, address any concerns, and make necessary adjustments to your management plan if needed.

 Emergency Preparedness:

The healthcare professionals at Marengo Asia Hospitals understand the importance of emergency preparedness for patients with wheat allergy. They will educate you about recognizing the signs of an allergic reaction and provide guidance on how to respond in an emergency situation. This knowledge empowers you and your loved ones to take immediate action if a severe reaction occurs.

 Patient Education and Support:

Marengo Asia Hospitals believes in empowering patients with knowledge and support. They will provide comprehensive information about wheat allergy, its management, and practical strategies for living with the condition. This education helps you understand your allergy better and make informed decisions to protect your health.

Marengo Asia Hospitals is dedicated to providing expert care for individuals with wheat allergy across India. With their experienced allergists, personalized treatment plans, guidance on avoidance strategies, and access to emergency management tools, they ensure patients receive the best possible care. By working together with the healthcare team, adhering to avoidance measures, and staying informed, individuals with wheat allergy can lead healthy lives and confidently navigate their dietary choices. At Marengo Asia Hospitals, you can expect compassionate care and support for effectively managing wheat allergy and improving your overall well-being.


Contact Us

Marengo CIMS Hospital
Off Science City Road, Sola, Ahmedabad – 380060
Gujarat, INDIA

24×7 Helpline +91 70 69 00 00 00
Phone: 079 4805 1200 or 1008
+91 79 2771 2771 or 72
Fax: +91 79 2771 2770
Mobile: +91 98250 66664 or +91 98250 66668
Ambulance: +91 98244 50000
Email: info@cims.org