Marengo CIMS Hospital is dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare services and fostering patient well-being. As part of our commitment to patient education, we have developed the Marengo CIMS Hospital Medical Encyclopedia—an invaluable online resource designed to empower patients with knowledge about various medical conditions, treatments, and preventive measures. This encyclopedia serves as a trusted and accessible repository of medical information, allowing patients to make informed decisions regarding their health and collaborate more effectively with healthcare professionals.


India is a country with a vast population and diverse healthcare needs. In recent years, medical advancements have paved the way for innovative treatments, one of which involves the use of umbilical cord blood stem cells. This unique resource holds immense potential for addressing various health conditions and diseases. In this article, we will explore what umbilical cord blood stem cells are, their significance, the different types of stem cells, diagnostic tests, treatments, and potential complications associated with their use.

Signs and Symptoms:

The signs and symptoms that might lead to the consideration of umbilical cord blood stem cell treatment vary greatly depending on the specific health condition or disease being addressed. For example, individuals with blood-related disorders like leukemia may experience symptoms such as fatigue, frequent infections, unexplained weight loss, and abnormal bleeding. Similarly, patients with autoimmune diseases may exhibit symptoms like chronic fatigue, joint pain, rash, and inflammation.

What are Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells? :

Umbilical cord blood stem cells are derived from the blood present in the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. These stem cells are unique as they have the potential to develop into different types of cells in the body, such as red and white blood cells, platelets, and various tissues. They are considered to be a valuable resource for regenerative medicine due to their ability to replace or repair damaged cells and tissues.

How are Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells Collected? :

The collection of umbilical cord blood stem cells is a simple and painless process that poses no risk to the mother or the baby. After the baby is delivered and the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, the remaining blood in the cord and placenta is collected using a sterile needle and syringe. The collection is done in a controlled manner by healthcare professionals who ensure the safety and viability of the stem cells.

Risk Factors and Examples:

While umbilical cord blood stem cell collection and transplantation are generally considered safe, there are some potential risk factors to consider. These risks can include infection, graft failure, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and limited cell count. However, it is essential to note that the occurrence of complications is relatively rare. For instance, in a small number of cases, GVHD, a condition where the transplanted cells attack the recipient’s body, may occur. However, medical advancements and improved techniques have significantly reduced the risks associated with stem cell transplantation.

Types of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells:

Umbilical cord blood contains different types of stem cells, each with its unique characteristics and applications. The two main types are hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

 1. Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs):

HSCs have the ability to form various blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. They are primarily used in the treatment of blood-related disorders, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and certain immune system disorders.

 2. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs):

MSCs have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, including bone, cartilage, fat, and muscle cells. They are being explored for the treatment of conditions such as spinal cord injuries, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

Diagnostic Tests and Treatments:

When it comes to diagnosing and treating diseases with umbilical cord blood stem cells, several techniques and procedures are utilized. Let’s explore some of the common ones: 

  • Stem Cell Banking:Stem cell banking involves the preservation of umbilical cord blood stem cells for future use. This process ensures that the stem cells are readily available for transplantation if the need arises, providing a potential source of treatment for the individual or their family members.
  • Transplantation:Stem cell transplantation is the process of infusing collected stem cells into a patient’s bloodstream. These cells travel to the bone marrow, where they can begin to replace damaged or diseased cells. Transplantation is commonly used to treat various types of cancers, blood disorders, and immune system disorders.
  • Immune Reconstitution:In some cases, umbilical cord blood stem cells are used to rebuild a patient’s immune system. This is particularly crucial for individuals with immunodeficiency disorders, where the immune system is impaired or absent. Stem cells can help establish a healthy immune system and improve the patient’s ability to fight infections.

Complications :

While umbilical cord blood stem cell treatments have shown promise, they are not without potential complications. These complications can include graft failure (when the transplanted cells do not engraft properly), infections, and GVHD. However, it’s important to remember that these complications are rare, and advancements in medical technology have significantly reduced their occurrence.

In simple terms, umbilical cord blood stem cells are powerful cells found in the blood of a baby’s umbilical cord. They can be collected after birth and stored for future use. These cells have the remarkable ability to develop into different types of cells in the body, helping to replace damaged or diseased cells. They are used to treat various diseases, such as cancer, immune system disorders, and certain injuries. Although there are potential risks associated with the procedure, they are relatively rare, and medical advancements continue to make these treatments safer and more effective.

Marengo Asia Hospitals, a leading healthcare institution with a widespread presence across India, has emerged as a trailblazer in the field of umbilical cord blood stem cell treatment. With its state-of-the-art facilities and a team of skilled medical professionals, the network has been at the forefront of utilizing this revolutionary therapy to treat various medical conditions. This article explores how Marengo Asia Hospitals is successfully handling patients with umbilical cord blood stem cells, revolutionizing the landscape of regenerative medicine in India.

 Understanding Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells:

Umbilical cord blood stem cells are unique and versatile cells found in the blood of the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth. These cells are rich in hematopoietic stem cells and other progenitor cells, which have the potential to differentiate into various cell types found in the human body. They offer immense therapeutic possibilities and are particularly valuable in treating diseases of the blood, immune system, and certain genetic disorders.

 Infrastructure and Expertise:

Marengo Asia Hospitals boasts a robust infrastructure, equipped with cutting-edge technologies and world-class laboratories. The hospitals have dedicated stem cell processing and storage facilities, adhering to stringent international quality standards. The network has invested in advanced equipment to ensure optimal collection, processing, and preservation of umbilical cord blood stem cells, guaranteeing the highest quality of stem cell therapies.

Moreover, Marengo Asia Hospitals has assembled a team of highly skilled healthcare professionals, including hematologists, immunologists, and regenerative medicine specialists. These experts are well-versed in the complexities of umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy and are continually updated with the latest advancements in the field. Their expertise ensures that patients receive the most effective and tailored treatment options available.

 Umbilical Cord Blood Banking:

One of the essential components of Marengo Asia Hospitals‘ success in umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy is its cord blood banking services. The network collaborates with parents to collect and store their newborn’s cord blood in specialized facilities. These stem cell-rich samples are then processed, tested, and stored under optimal conditions to maintain their viability for future therapeutic use.

 Marengo Asia Hospitals recognizes the importance of public cord blood banking as well. Through partnerships and initiatives, the network encourages expectant parents to donate their child’s cord blood to public banks. These donations contribute to a broader pool of cord blood units, expanding the availability of stem cell treatments to a larger population.

Clinical Applications and Success Stories:

Marengo Asia Hospitals has been utilizing umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy to treat a range of conditions, including hematological disorders, autoimmune diseases, and certain genetic disorders. Clinical trials and real-world experiences have shown promising results, demonstrating the efficacy and safety of this innovative treatment approach.

Patients who have received umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy through Marengo Asia Hospitals have reported significant improvements in their conditions. From regaining mobility in spinal cord injury cases to achieving remission in leukemia patients, these success stories highlight the potential of this groundbreaking treatment modality.

Collaboration and Research:

Marengo Asia Hospitals actively collaborates with research institutions, both nationally and internationally, to advance the field of regenerative medicine. Through partnerships with leading stem cell research centers, the network stays at the forefront of scientific breakthroughs and clinical trials, allowing them to continuously refine their treatment protocols and offer the latest advancements to their patients.

Marengo Asia Hospitals has emerged as a pioneer in utilizing umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy, revolutionizing the treatment landscape in India. With its cutting-edge infrastructure, expert medical professionals, and focus on research and collaboration, the network continues to push the boundaries of regenerative medicine. By leveraging the potential of umbilical cord blood stem cells, Marengo Asia Hospitals is providing hope to patients across India and reshaping the future of healthcare.


Contact Us

Marengo CIMS Hospital
Off Science City Road, Sola, Ahmedabad – 380060
Gujarat, INDIA

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Fax: +91 79 2771 2770
Mobile: +91 98250 66664 or +91 98250 66668
Ambulance: +91 98244 50000