1. Don’t just take the stairs — use them

Take every chance to go up and down the stairs. But don’t stop there. For a strong cardio workout, walk up and down the stairs repeatedly.

2. Drink 1 extra glass of water
Water helps keep your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, and gets rid of wastes through urination, sweat, and bowel movements.

3. Take a 10-minute walk
Walk during your lunch hour or to a store that is a block away to shop your simple groceries.
4. Focus on sitting up straight
A good posture can prevent aches and pain and it can also reduce stress on your ligaments. Walking with your shoulders back and head held high can also make you feel good about yourself.

5. Go to bed ½ hour earlier
Solid sleep not only gives us energy but also promotes healthy eating. When you’re short on sleep, it reduces your body’s production of hormones that suppress appetite, which can contribute to weight gain.

7. Balance on one leg for 10 seconds at a time, then switch to the other leg
This simple exercise can be done while brushing your teeth or standing in a line. This is a part of neuromotor training, which helps improve balance, agility and mobility — all things you need in everyday movement and in other forms of exercise.
8. Weigh yourself every week
Weigh yourself each week on the same day and at the same time – and wearing the same amount of clothing for consistency.
9. Eat a healthy breakfast every day
It will keep your energized and if you start the day right, you tend to eat well whole day.
10. Include greens in your meals
It is important for you to have a complete balanced diet.
11. Find creative substitutions for unhealthy foods
Do not buy foods and snacks high in calories but low on their health benefit. Try using low-fat dairy, whole-grains, healthy oils and natural sweeteners (fruit) instead of high-fat or sugary alternatives.