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Research Activities

Research Activities


Investigational Product Indication Study
1 Allogenic Stem cell Post MI I Ongoing
2 Oral Anti platelet drug Acute Coronary
II Ongoing
3 Oral Anti Thrombotic drug Acute Coronary
II Completed with Highest
enrollment in India
4 Oral Anti Coagulant drug Acute Coronary
II Completed with Highest
enrollment in India
5 ACE Inhibitor in Children Paediatric Hypertension II Completed
6 Anti hyperlipidemic drug Dyslipidemia II Completed
7 Endothelin Antagonist Pulmonary Hypertension III Ongoing
8 Anti hyperlipidemic drug Chronic Coronary Artery
Heart Disease
III Ongoing with Highest enrollment
in India
9 Oral Anti platelet drug Acute Coronary
III Ongoing with Highest enrollment
in India
10 Oral Anti platelet drug (R) Non-Valvular Atrial
III Ongoing
11 Oral Anti platelet drug (A) Non-Valvular Atrial
III Ongoing
12 Oral Anti Coagulant drug Secondary prevention of
venous thromboembolism
III Ongoing
13 SC Anti Coagulant drug Atrial Fibrillation III Ongoing
14 Prostacyclin analogue Pulmonary Arterial
III Ongoing
15 Anti Anginal drug Stable angina pectoris III Ongoing
16 Haematopoetic agent Heart Failure with anemia III Ongoing
17 Oral Anti platelet drug (R) Medically ill patients at
risk of DVT
III Ongoing
18 IV Anti platelet drug Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
III Enrolment completed.
19 Oral Anti platelet drug STEMI / NSTEMI III Enrolment completed.
20 IV GPIIb/ IIIa drug NSTEMI III b Enrolment completed. 4th highest
enrolment in world
21 IV Abciximab Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
III Completed
22 Oral Anti Coagulant drug Non-Valvular Atrial
III Completed
23 Angiotenion Receptor Blocker Paediatric Hypertension III Completed
24 Prostacyclin Infusion Pulmonary Arterial
III Completed
25 OASIS 5 (LMWH) Acute Coronary
III Study completed, 100% Follow up.
One of the highest enrollments in
the country.
26 OASIS 6 (LMWH) Acute Myocardial
III Enrollment completed.100%
Follow up of enrolled patients.
27 EXTRACT TIMI-25 (LMWH) Acute Coronary
III Study completed, 100% Follow up
28 SC Anti Coagulant drug Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Ongoing
29 Aliskiren (RESILAZ) Essential Hypertension IV Ongoing
30 POLYCAP Patient at atleast one CV
IV Completed
31 Oral Antiplatelet drug Acute Coronary
IV Completed
32 IV Anti Coagulant drug Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Completed
33 Newer Generation Statin Hyperlipidemia III Completed
34 Tirofiban GPIIb/ IIIa Inhibitor Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Completed
35 Newer Generation Statin –
Hyperlipidemia (PCI) IV Completed
36 Oral LpPLA2 inhibitor Acute Coronary
III Ongoing
37 PPARS alfa/gamaagnoist Acute Coronary
Syndrome & Type 2
Diabetes mellitus
III Ongoing
38 Endevar Resolute Stent (38mm) Coronary Artery Disease IV Ongoing
39 Oral Anticoagulant Drug Acute Coronary
III Ongoing
40 Oral Factor Xa Inhibitor Acute Coronary
II Ongoing
1 Comparison of CABG and
optimum medical therapy
Coronary Artery Disease IV Follow up Ongoing
1 Neovasc: Coronary Sinus Stent Coronary Artery Disease. FIM Completed
2 Papirus:Implantable Ultrasonic device Heart Failure FIM Completed
3 Rotational Atherectomy Device Stable Angina FIM Completed
4 Thrombosuction Catheter Primary Angioplasty in MI Pre Marketing Completed
5 Zotarolimus-Eluting Coronary
Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Enrolment completed, with Highest
in India
6 CYPHER Select Sirolimus-eluting
Coronary Stent
Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Enrolment completed
7 Randomized DES study Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Enrolment completed, with Highest
in India
8 Paclitaxel-Eluting Coronary Stent Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Completed
9 E CYPHER Registry Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Study completed, with highest
10 Implantable Cardiac Device Arrythmias IV Ongoing
11 Digital pacemaker Registry Arrythmias IV Completed
12 ABT-578 Drug Eluting coronary
Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Study completed, with highest
13 Percu Serge™ Gaurdwire (RUBY) Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI)
IV Completed
1 Effect of Folate treatment on Homocystenemia in cardiac patients: A prospective study.
2 Reversal of Slow or no reflow during Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty during intracoronaryboluses of Adenosine and Sodium Nitroprusside in combination.
3 Pharmacoepidemiology and Risk factors of Hypertension in western Gujarat.
4 Effect of statins and their combination with fenofibrate in patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
5 Effect of Niacin treatment on hyperlipoproteinemia in coronary artery disease patients.
6 Effect of combinations of various intracoronary drugs in no-reflow patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
7 Comparison of drug eluting stent with conventional S7 Stent.
8 The use of distal protection device (DPD) during angioplasty and to compare the acute long-term events of intracoronary injections of drugs in no-reflow as compared to distal protection device.
9 Assessment of risk factors for coronary artery disease.
10 High prevalence of renal artery stenosis in hypertensive patients with triple vessel coronary artery disease: recommendation for simultaneous renal
11 Arteriogram for earlier intervention.
12 Effect of pioglitazone and its combination with statins in CAD patients with hyperinsulinemia.
13 Safety and Efficacy of High Dose Intracoronary bolus of tirofiban in patients with AMI undergoing Primary / Rescue coronary angioplasty.
14 Short term and Long term effect of Metoprolol XL on PAP in patients with CHF using first in human implantable device responding to ultrasonic signal.
15 Comparison of Short Term and Long term Effect of Metoprolol XL versus Carvedilol on Pulmonary artery Pressure in patients with chronic Heart Failure using first in human implantable device responding to
ultrasonic signal.
16 First in human CT angiography images of “Pulmonary artery Stenting with a transducer device” in patients with heart failure.
17 Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitiation on PA pressure in patients with Chronic Heart Failure using first in human implantable device responding to ultrasonic signal.
18 How to treat Heart Failure? Is there any difference after ambulatory PA pressure monitoring.
19 Diurnal variation in PA pressure measured using First in Human implantable device responding to ultrasonic signals.
20 Association of BNP and PA pressure monitored through first in human implantable device in patients with HF.
21 Acute effects on Pulmonary artery pressure, on rest and after exercise in patients in patients with heart failure (EF<35%) using first in human implantable device for PAP responsing to ultrasonic signals.
22 Comparison of Chronical HF device (Medtronic) versus Remon CHF system (Remon) for ambulatory PAP measurement in patients with heart failure.
23 First in human pilot study of safety and efficacy of Neovasc Reducer Implant in the treatment of ischemic heart disease by controlled narrowing of the coronary sinus, in patients with No-Options.
24 Evaluation of Coronary arterial system and collaterals subsequent to first in human Neovasc Reducer TM Implantation in Coronary Sinus in “No Options” patients using 40 Slice Multi-detector Computed Tomography
25 Non invasive Visualization of first in human Neovasc Reducer TM Implant in Coronary Sinus using 40 Slice Multi-detector Computed Tomography.
26 Effect of Coronary Sinus Retroperfusion Stent (Neovasc Reducer®) on angiogenic, inflammatory and genetic markers.
1 Ovalum CiTopTM: A Novel Guidewire for crossing Chronic Total Occlusion in Coronary Artery Disease patients – First-in-Man Experience. Euro Intervention Supplement E Volume 5 May 2009.
2 Effect of Metoprolol CR/XL on Pulmonary Artery Pressure in Chronic Heart Failure Patients Assessed by an Implanted Ultrasonic Device with Special Emphasis on Diurnal Variation and Exercise Capacity;Indian Heart Journal Volume 61 No. 1, January-February 2009.
3 Intracoronary boluses of adenosine and sodium nitroprusside in combination reverse slow/no-reflow during angioplasty: a clinical scenario of ischemic preconditioning. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2007 Mar-Apr; 85(3-4):476-82.
4 Coronary Sinus Reducer-Stent for the Treatment of Chronic Refractory Angina Pectoris: A prospective, open label, multi-center safety feasibility first-in-man study. J Am. Coll. Cardiol 2007; 49:1783-1789.
5 Wireless acoustic communication with a miniature pressure sensor in the pulmonary artery for disease surveillance and therapy of patients with congestive heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007; 49:784-9.
6 First–In-Man Study: Effect of Metoprolol CR/XL Uptitration on pulmonary artery pressure and its variation in chronic heart failure monitored non-invasively using an implanted device responding to ultrasonic signals. Indian Heart J 2009
7 Efficacy of Percusurge in Acute Myocardial Infarction patients undergoing Revascularization with a special emphasis on Procedural time. Ind Heart J 2008.
8 Beneficial Effects of Addition of Fenofibrate to Statin Therapy in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. Exp Clin Cardiol 2007, 12:91-6.
1 Investigational Treatments and Future Directions in Heart Failure. Cardiol Today 2007; 12:96-103.
2 Basics of Stem Cell Therapy in Heart Failure. Cardiol Today 2007; 12: 104-114
3 Homocysteine and Coronary Artery Disease. Ind J Pharm Sci 2004; 66: 595-601
4 Molecule of the Millennium: Bosentan in Primary Pulmonary Hypertension.Ind J Pharmacol 2004; 36: 118
5 Prevalence of Hyperhomocysteinemia in Western Indian Population with or without Coronary Artery Disease.Ind J Cardiol 2003; 6: 54-58
6 HPCR Guidelines for Heart Failure Therapeutics. Ind Heart J 2000; 52: 6
7 Ischemic Heart Disease Endothelial Dysfunction. Ind Heart J 2000; 52: 6
8 Gujarat Earthquake – A Cardiologist’s Perspective. Ind Heart J 2002
9 Use of Abciximab (Reopro): In High Risk Coronary Artery Disease Patients during angioplasty and Stents. Guj Med J 1999; 56: 1
1 Long Term Safety, Angina Relief and Improvement in Quality of Life in Patients with Refractory Angina Treated with the Neovasc Coronary Sinus Reducer. Presented at ACC 2009
2 First In Man Assessment Of Orbital Atherectomy System In Treating De Novo Calcified Coronary Lesion (ORBIT I). Presented at ACC 2009
3 Randomized, Multi-centric, Open label study to evaluate safety & efficacy of Faximab, A biosimailar Abciximab in Indian patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention; Submitted to Indian Heart Journal in August 2008.
4 Safety & efficacy of indigenously developed and manufactured Bivalirudin in moderate/high risk indian patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention; Bivaflow registry; Indian Heart J: July-Aug, Volume 60, No.4.
5 First-in-man: Effect of Metoprolol CR/XL uptitration on pulmonary artery pressure and its variation in chronic heart failure monitored non-invasively by an implanted device using ultrasonic signals. Presented at European Society of Cardiology Congress, September 2007.
6 Association Between the White Blood Cell Count and Occurrence of Slow or No Reflow Phenomenon in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes in the Coronary Interventional Era. Presented at Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India (CSI-2006) Ind Heart J 2006; 58:436
7 Incidences and Clinical Characteristics of No Reflow after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in High Risk Asian Indian Patients. Presented at Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India (CSI-2006) Ind Heart J 2006; 58:418
8 Initial Clinical Experience with Bivalirudin as an Anticoagulant during Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Asian Indian patients. Presented at Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India (CSI-2006) Ind Heart J 2006; 58:435-6
9 Prospective randomized study of Percusurge in acute myocardial infarction patients undergoing revascularization with a special emphasis on procedural time: A two year follow-up. Presented at Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India (CSI-2006) Ind Heart J 2006; 58:417-8
10 High prevalence of renal artery stenosis in hypertensive patients with triple vessel coronary artery disease: recommendation for simultaneous renal arteriogram for earlier intervention. Presented at Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India (CSI-2006) Ind Heart J 2006; 58:454
11 First-In-Man: Direct Comparison of Conventional Coronary Sinus Angiography and CT Angiography for Visualization and Sizing of Coronary Sinus. Presented at International Symposium of Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) 2006, Washington DC
12 First-In-Man: Multi-Slice CT Angiography Visualization of an Innovative First-in-Man Coronary Sinus Reducer Stent in Patients with Refractory Angina. Presented at International Symposium ofTranscatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) 2006, Washington DC
13 First-In-Man: Measurement of diurnal variation in Pulmonary Artery Systolic and Diastolic Pressure in Heart Failure Patients Using an Innovative Implantable Device Responding to Ultrasonic Signals. Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (Abstract Supplement): 485
14 First–In-Man: Non-Invasive Measurement of Variation in Pulmonary Artery Pressure Following Exercise in Heart Failure Patients Using an Innovative Implantable Device Involving Acoustic Telemetry. Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (Abstract Supplement): 949
15 First-In-Man: Effect of Metoprolol CR/XL on Exercise Capacity and Subsequent Variation in Pulmonary Artery Pressure in Heart Failure Patients Using an Innovative Implant Involving Acoustic Telemetry. Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (Abstract Supplement): 949
16 First-In-Man Non-Invasive Monitoring of Pulmonary Artery Pressure from an Implantable Device Using Acoustic Telemetry: A One Year Follow-Up Data. Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (Abstract Supplement): 202
17 First-In-Man: Comparison of Impressure Device Measuring Pulmonary Artery Pressure Non-invasively with Conventional Contrast Echocardiography in Congestive Heart Failure. Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (Abstract Supplement): 202
18 First-In-Man study: Effect of Metoprolol CR/XL on Diurnal Variation in Pulmonary Artery Pressure Assessed< Non-invasively Using an Innovative Implantable Device Responding to Ultrasonic Signals.Eur Heart J 2006; 27 (Abstract Supplement): 344
19 Intracoronary Boluses of Adenosine and Sodium Nitroprusside Combination Reverses Slow/No Reflow During Angioplasty: A Clinical Scenario of Experimental Preconditioning. Oral and Poster presentation at the Young Investigator’s Awards Competition, American College of Cardiology Conference, March 2006
20 Efficacy of PercuSurge GuardWire system in Acute Myocardial Patients Undergoing Primary/Rescue PCI with a special emphasize on procedural time. Indian Heart Journal, August 2008
21 First-In-Man: PAPIRUS – Monitoring Pulmonary artery Pressure by Implantable device responding to Ultrasonic Signals. Oral presentation at the Late breaking Clinical Trials Session at ACC-i2 summit,American College of Cardiology Conference, March 2006
22 First-In-Man Implanted Device in Pulmonary Artery Using Acoustic Telemetry Based on Non-invasive Ultrasound Activation and Communication. American College of Cardiology Conference, March 2006
(e-Poster Presentation)
23 Effect of Metoprolol XL on Pulmonary Artery Pressure in Patients with Heart Failure Measured Using First-In-Man Implantable Device Responding to Ultrasonic Signal. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 47: 310A.
24 Effect of Metoprolol XL on Diurnal Variation in Pulmonary Artery Pressure Measured Non-invasively Using First-In-Man Implant Responding to Ultrasonic Signals. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 47: 370A
25 First-In-Man: Coronary Sinus Narrowing with a Reducer Stent – A Possible Alternative Percutaneous Treatment for Patients with Refractory Angina. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 47: 17B
26 Efficacy of PercuSurge GuardWire system in Acute Myocardial Patients Undergoing Primary/Rescue PCI. Oral Presentation at Joint International Conference of ISHR and IACS, Jan 2005, Gujarat, India
27 Associations of White Blood Cell Count with the Occurrence of Slow/No reflow in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Undergoing PCI. Poster presentation at Joint International Conference of ISHR and IACS, Jan 2005, Gujarat, India
28 Beneficial Effects of Distal Protection Device in Reducing the Use of Intracoronary Vasodilators and Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Antagonists during Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. Presented at Annual Conference of Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), San Diego, May 2004. Catheter Cardiovasc Interven 2004; 62: pg 90
29 Revascularization in Acute Myocardial Infarction Using PercuSurge in Distal Protection (RAPID). Presented at Annual Conference of Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), San Diego, May 2004. Catheter Cardiovasc Interven 2004; 62: pg 116
30 Improvement in MACE by Sequential Administration of Boluses of Intracoronary Adenosine and Sodium Nitroprusside during Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. Presented at Annual Conference of Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), San Diego, May 2004. Catheter Cardiovasc
Interven 2004; 62: pg 130-131
31 Improvement in MACE by Sequential Administration of Boluses of Intracoronary Adenosine and Sodium Nitroprusside during Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. European Society of Cardiology, 2004, Munich, Germany
32 Renal Artery Stenting is Safe and Effective Modality of Treatment on Mid-term Follow-up. Poster presented at 56th Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India (CSI) at Bangalore, December 2004
33 Increased Lipoprotien (a) as a Strong Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease and the Effect of Niacin Amongst Indians. 56th Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India (CSI) at Bangalore, December 2004
34 Effect of Statins in Combination with Fenofibrate in Patients after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Ind J Pharmacol 2004; 36(2): pg 113
35 Pharmaco-epidemiology and Risk Factors of Hypertension in Western Gujarat. Ind J Pharmacol 2003:35(4), pg. 277.
36 Acute Results and Intermediate Term Follow-up of PCI with Cardio-protection by Balloon Occlusion Distal Protection Device. Ind Heart J 2002; 54: 561-568
37 Reversal of Slow-Flow or No-Reflow During PTCA Using Boluses of IC Adenosine and Sodium Nitroprusside, in Combination. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003, Suppl.A to 54:561-568
1 Orbital Atherectomy: Preliminary Experience in Calcific Coronary Artery Disease: C3 Capital Cardiovascular Conference, U.S.A. , Jun 2009
2 Ovalum CiTop: FIM Results and Early Clinical Experience: Chronic Total Occlusion Summit (CTO 2009), U.S.A., Feb 2009
3 First-In-Man Results with the Ovalum CiTopTM ExPander TM Guidewire in Chronic Total Occlusions:Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions , Israel, Dec 2008
4 Orbital Atherectomy for de novo Calcified Coronary Lesions: The ORBIT I FIM Study: Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Washington DC, U.S.A, Oct 2008
5 Cardiac Pressure Monitoring Devices: Device-based Approaches for Heart Failure II: Emerging Interventional Technologies (REMON): Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Washington DC, U.S.A, Oct 2008
6 Utility and Development of Novel Devices for CTO Applications: The Ovalum CiTop Guidewire System: FIM Coronary CTO Results: Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Washington DC, U.S.A, Oct 2008
7 Revisiting Blunt Microdissection Topic: First-in-Man Results with the Ovalum CiTop Guidewire System:Chronic Total Occlusion Summit(CTO 2008): New York, Feb 2008
8 New frontiers in Chronic Total Occlusions Topic: CiTopTM Guidewire – Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions, Israel, Dec 2007
9 Cardiac Monitoring Devices for CHF – Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2007, Washington, Oct 2007
10 The Ovalum CiTop Guide Wire System – Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2007,Washington, Oct 2007
11 Using the REMON Pressure Device: One year Follow-up — Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions, Israel, Dec 2006
12 Global Device Evaluation: Can interventions in India Lead the Way —Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions, Israel, Dec 2006
13 Management of Complex Dyslipidemias — Annual conference of The Cardiology Society of India, Dec 2006
14 Heart Failure: Triumphs and Tribulations – 2006 — Annual conference of The Cardiology Society of India, Dec 2006
15 PAPIRUS I: One Year Follow-Up of a Novel Pulmonary Artery Implant (and PAPIRUS II Status)—Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Oct 2006
16 Intracoronary Adenosine and Nitroprusside for Slow/No Reflow: From Experimental Preconditioning to Clinical Utility — Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, Oct 2006
17 PAPIRUS – Monitoring Pulmonary Artery Pressure by Implantable Device Responding to Ultrasonic Signals — Annual conference of American College of Cardiology, March 2006
18 Intracoronary Boluses Of Adenosine and Sodium Nitroprusside Combination Reverses Slow/No Reflow During Angioplasty: A Clinical Scenario of Experimental Preconditioning — Annual conference of American College of Cardiology, March 2006
19 First-In-Man Pilot Study using the REMON Ultrasonic Intravascular Sensor to Measure Pulmonary Artery Pressure — Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 2005.
20 Preliminary Clinical Experience with the NEOVASC Coronary Sinus Reducer Stent — Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 2005
1 Shah HD, Parikh KH, Goyal RK. Recent Trends in Antiplatelet Therapy for Acute Coronary Syndromes: Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists: In Pharmacotherapy of Heart Failure by S K Gupta 2005; 102:22
2 Parikh KH, Shah HD. Stem Cell Therapy in ACS: Type, timing and promise: In The Post Graduate Medicine-2006 (In Press, Scheduled Feb 2006)
3 Parikh KH, et al., Development of Group Practice in Cardiology, Financial planning and Research and development: CSI Book 2005
4 Parikh KH, Shah HD, et al., Stem cell Therapy in ACS; Type, Timing and Promise: AAPI Book, 2006
5 Mehta K N, Parikh K H, Chag MC, Shah U G, Baxi H A, Chandarana A H, Naik A M, Goyal R K, Effect of Folate Treatment on Homocysteinemia in Cardiac Patients: A Prospective Study: Indian Journal of Pharmacology;2005;Vol 37:13-17
6 Parikh KH, Chag MC, Shah UG, Baxi HA, Chandarana AH, Naik AM, Shah HD, Shah JN, Goyal RK; Beneficial effects of addition of fenofibrate to statins In acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing Percutaneous coronary interventions.: World heart Journal