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State of the Art – Radiotherapy Centre

One of the three pillars in the treatment of cancer is Radiotherapy. Radiotherapy involves the use of ionizing radiation in an attempt to either cure or improve the symptoms of cancer. With the dream of providing world class treatment facility to our patients, the CIMS Cancer Department in Ahmedabad through the administrative team at CIMS Hospital’s Cancer Department has procured the best linear Accelerator currently available to treat patients with external radiation therapy. CIMS Hospital through the CIMS Cancer Center is the first hospital in India to commission the latest model of Linear Accelerator. We are also proud to be the first hospital in Asia to have Versa HD, from Elekta. CIMS Cancer uses Versa HD to give clinicians the flexibility to deliver conventional therapies to treat a wide range of tumors throughout the body, while also enabling treatment of highly complex cancers that require extreme targeting precision.

Uniqueness of Versa HD Linear Accelerator

  • Agility 160-leaf multileaf collimator (MLC) provides highly conformal beam shaping – a critical requirement for maximizing the dose to the target while also preserving surrounding healthy tissues.
  • APEX DMLC-High definition 2.5mm leaf width for brain tumor.
  • Ultra-fast leaf speeds facilitates 3 times higher dose delivery rate than any other normal Linac dose rate enabling even greater capabilities for sophisticated therapies, including stereo tactic radio surgery (SRS), stereo tactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT).
  • Hexapod-6 dimensional motion correction by robotic couch. Minimizes the treatment setup error by correcting 3 rotational & 3 transverse motions during the treatment.
  • Active Breathing Coordinatorâ„¢ System – Exactly tracks the position of moving target like lung tumor because of breathing motion & reduces the dose of normal tissue.
  • 4D SYMMETRY – Provides acquisition and in line reconstruction of 4D volumetric data, utilizing unique patented technology for sorting each projection image into a phase based bin.

Services Available

  1. External radiotherapy
    • 3D-CRT -3 dimensional con-formal radiotherapy: Delivers conventional Radiation therapy.
    • IMRT-Intensity modulated radiotherapy: Creates intensity modulated treatment plan by using variable dose rate, MLC speed & fixed gantry angle during treatment.
    • IGRT-Image guided Radiotherapy: It takes use of X-ray volume Imaging (XVI) of patient before treatment execution for verification of treatment position with the combination of IMRT technique.
    • VMAT-Volumetric Arc Therapy: Delivers Treatment plan by using variable dose rate, MLC speed with continuous motion of Gantry with variable speed.
    • SBRT-Stereo tactic body radiotherapy: Helps to deliver treatment with high dose rate for small size tumor in body to give very high dose with high precision in few fractions.
    • SRT-Stereo tactic Radiotherapy: Helps to deliver treatment with high dose rate for small size tumor in brain to give very high dose with high precision in few fractions.
    • SRS- Stereo tactic Radio surgery: Helps to deliver blood less treatment with high dose rate for small size tumor in brain to give very high dose with high precision in single fraction.
  2. Brachytherapy