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Marengo CIMS Hospital is dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare services and fostering patient well-being. As part of our commitment to patient education, we have developed the Marengo CIMS Hospital Medical Encyclopedia—an invaluable online resource designed to empower patients with knowledge about various medical conditions, treatments, and preventive measures. This encyclopedia serves as a trusted and accessible repository of medical information, allowing patients to make informed decisions regarding their health and collaborate more effectively with healthcare professionals.


Nail biting is a common habit that affects individuals in India and around the world. In this article, we will explore nail biting in detail, with a specific focus on the Indian context. We will discuss the signs and symptoms, classification, causes, triggers, risk factors, types of nail biting, diagnostic tests, treatments, complications, prevention techniques, and shed light on public figures in India who have struggled with nail biting. Our aim is to provide information in a simple and layman language, making it accessible to everyone.

Signs and Symptoms:

Nail-biting can lead to various signs and symptoms, including:

  • Nails Bitten to the Quick: Nails are bitten down to the skin, often resulting in pain, bleeding, or soreness around the nail bed.
  • Skin Damage and Infection: Constant nail biting can damage the skin around the nails, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Uneven Nail Growth: Nails may become irregularly shaped or grow unevenly due to repeated biting.
  • Emotional Distress: Nail biting can be associated with feelings of anxiety, stress, or boredom, leading to emotional discomfort.

What Is Nail Biting? :

Nail biting, also known as onychophagia, is a habitual behavior characterized by biting or chewing on one’s fingernails or toenails. It is considered a type of repetitive grooming or body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). 

How Is Nail Biting Classified? :

Nail biting is classified as a type of body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). BFRBs are self-grooming behaviors that are performed repetitively, often without conscious awareness, as a way to cope with emotional or psychological stress.

Causes and Triggers:

Nail biting can have various causes and triggers, including:

  • Stress and Anxiety: Nail biting is often associated with feelings of stress, anxiety, boredom, or nervousness. It may serve as a self-soothing or tension-relieving mechanism.
  • Learned Behavior: Nail biting can be learned through observation or imitation, particularly if family members or close peers also engage in the habit.
  • Perfectionism or Obsessive-Compulsive Tendencies: Individuals with perfectionistic tendencies or underlying obsessive-compulsive traits may be more prone to developing nail biting habits.

Risk Factors:

 Several risk factors increase the likelihood of developing nail biting habits, including:

  •  Childhood Habits: Nail biting commonly starts in childhood and may persist into adolescence and adulthood.
  •  Family History: Having a family history of nail biting or other BFRBs can increase the risk of developing the habit.
  •  Psychological Factors: Individuals with certain psychological conditions, such as anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), may be more prone to nail biting.

Types of Nail Biting:

Nail-biting can manifest in different forms, varying in severity and patterns. Common types include:

  •  Mild Nail Biting: Occasional or intermittent nail biting, often in response to specific triggers or situations.
  •  Severe Nail Biting: Persistent and compulsive nail biting, resulting in significant damage to the nails and surrounding skin.

Diagnostic Tests and Treatments:

 Nail biting does not typically require diagnostic tests as it is primarily diagnosed based on the individual’s behavior and symptoms. Treatment options for nail biting include:

  •  Behavior Modification Techniques: Techniques such as habit reversal training, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), or awareness and substitution strategies can help individuals break the habit and replace it with healthier behaviors.
  •  Physical Barriers and Deterrents: Applying bitter-tasting substances or wearing gloves can serve as physical deterrents to prevent nail biting.
  •  Emotional Support and Stress Management: Addressing underlying emotional or psychological factors through counseling or therapy can be beneficial in managing nail biting habits.

Complications of Nail Biting:

 Nail biting can lead to various complications, including:

  •  Infections: Biting the skin around the nails can introduce bacteria or fungi, increasing the risk of infections such as paronychia.
  •  Dental Issues: Constant nail biting can cause teeth misalignment, enamel damage, or jaw problems.
  •  Nail and Skin Damage: Chronic nail biting can result in nail deformities, weakened nails, and damage to the surrounding skin.

 Prevention Techniques:

To prevent or manage nail biting, consider the following techniques:

  •  Awareness and Self-Monitoring: Pay attention to triggers, stressors, or situations that prompt nail biting and develop alternative coping strategies.
  •  Stress Reduction: Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or engaging in relaxing activities to reduce anxiety or tension.
  •  Habit Reversal Techniques: Substitute nail biting with a healthier behavior, such as fidget toys, stress balls, or engaging in a hobby or activity that keeps hands occupied.


 Nail biting, also known as onychophagia, is a common habit that affects many individuals worldwide. While it may seem like a harmless behavior, chronic nail biting can have negative consequences on both physical and mental health. Recognizing the significance of this habit, Marengo Asia  Hospitals across India has implemented effective strategies to help patients overcome nail biting. Through a combination of behavioral therapy, education, and support, Marengo Asia  Hospitals is empowering individuals to break free from this habit and achieve healthier, happier lives.

 Understanding the Habit

 Before tackling nail biting, it is essential to understand its underlying causes and consequences. Marengo Asia   Hospitals recognizes that nail biting can stem from various factors, including stress, anxiety, boredom, or a habit formed during childhood. It is often a coping mechanism to manage emotions or alleviate tension. However, this habit can lead to a range of problems, such as infections, damaged nails and cuticles, dental issues, and self-esteem issues.

 Behavioral Therapy and Counseling

 Marengo Asia Hospitals  employs experienced psychologists and counselors who specialize in behavior modification techniques to address nail biting. Through individual or group therapy sessions, patients receive personalized guidance and support to understand the triggers and patterns associated with their habit. Therapists work closely with patients to develop coping strategies, stress management techniques, and alternative behaviors to replace nail biting. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and habit reversal training (HRT) are commonly used approaches that help patients identify and modify their thoughts and behaviors.

 Education and Awareness

 In addition to therapy, Marengo Asia  Hospitals places great emphasis on educating patients about the consequences of nail biting. Through informative sessions and materials, individuals gain a better understanding of the physical and psychological implications of their habit. By increasing awareness, patients are more motivated to break the cycle of nail biting and take proactive steps towards healthier habits.

Alternative Techniques and Interventions

Marengo Asia  Hospitals offers a range of alternative techniques and interventions to assist patients in overcoming nail biting. This may include:

  • Awareness and self-monitoring: Patients are encouraged to keep a journal or use mobile apps to track their nail biting behavior. This helps create awareness and identify patterns, enabling them to develop effective strategies for intervention.
  •  Habit-reversal devices: The use of specialized devices, such as bitter-tasting nail coatings or bandages, can serve as reminders and deterrents for nail biting. These interventions help break the automatic response associated with the habit.
  • Relaxation techniques: Stress and anxiety often contribute to nail biting. Patients are taught relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga, to manage their emotions and reduce the urge to bite nails.
  • Reward systems: Positive reinforcement plays a crucial role in behavior modification. Marengo Asia  Hospitals encourages patients to set achievable goals and rewards for themselves, celebrating their progress in overcoming nail biting.

Supportive Environment and Follow-up Care

 Marengo Asia  Hospitals believes in the power of a supportive environment to help patients overcome nail biting. Regular follow-up appointments with healthcare professionals provide an opportunity to assess progress, address any challenges, and reinforce positive changes. Support groups or peer counseling can also be instrumental in fostering a sense of community and understanding among individuals who are tackling the same habit.

Nail biting can be a deeply ingrained habit that adversely affects individuals’ physical and mental well-being. However, Marengo Asia  Hospitals across India is dedicated to helping patients overcome this habit through a comprehensive and compassionate approach. By combining behavioral therapy, education, alternative techniques, and ongoing support, the network is empowering individuals to break free from nail biting and improve their overall quality of life. With their expertise and commitment, Marengo Asia  Hospitals is making a significant difference in addressing this common habit and promoting healthier habits and self-care.


Contact Us

Marengo CIMS Hospital
Off Science City Road, Sola, Ahmedabad – 380060
Gujarat, INDIA

24×7 Helpline +91 70 69 00 00 00
Phone: 079 4805 1200 or 1008
+91 79 2771 2771 or 72
Fax: +91 79 2771 2770
Mobile: +91 98250 66664 or +91 98250 66668
Ambulance: +91 98244 50000