T.K.B Ganpathy
Neuro Surgeon
- Name: Dr. TKB Ganapathy
- Designation: Neuro and Spine Surgeon
- Department Name: Neuro and Spine Surgery
- Education:
- Graduation & post graduation from MPSMC Jamnagar 1987-1997
- Trained and qualified in Neuro surgery from Apollo Hospital
Chennai 1999 to 2006
- Experience:
- Worked as full time Neuro spine Surgeon at H. J. Doshi Hospital
Rajkot 2006-2010 and Sterling Hospital Rajkot & Kutch from 2010
to 2014
- Working in CIMS Hospital as a full time Neuro & Spine Surgeon
from November, 2014
- Fellowship in Neurovascular Surgery from Fujita Health University,
Japan, February-March, 2018
- Location: CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad
- E-mail: ganpathy.bala@cimshospital.org
- Mobile Number: +91- 9879526241
- For Appointment: 1800 3099 999