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Why are the first 100 hours at home after discharge so important? 

Soon after discharge and reaching home, the patient is fragile and the situation highly  vulnerable. The family members too are a little stressed and are doing their best to create  the right atmosphere for the patient at home. If not handled properly, this is that crucial stage when readmission rate to hospitals is  maximum. Increased stress, panic situation, fall at home, pain at the site of surgery, etc. are  the main reason for revisiting the hospital. 


The scenario at home after discharge is a mixed feeling- happiness on being home but  stressed to handle the post hospitalisation care properly and thus there is an anxiety in the  air.  

Lot of questions need to be answered when a patients is coming back from hospital. 

  • Medication management and its reminders 
  • Safe bathing and dressing by patient himself 
  • Mitigating risks of falls during odd hours of day 
  • Cooking or any household work without domestic help 
  • Follow- up visits to doctorPoor understanding of red flag signs after any procedure or  operation like edema, fever, breathing difficulty.

And the list goes on.. …the current social reality is a Nuclear Family. In such a case, many  patients don’t have loved ones with themselves and that makes after discharge care very  inadequate and frustrating for patients. 


Care at Homes

‘Care at Homes’, is a unit of Marengo CIMS hospital which provides expert care and concern  to patient at home. A well trained team and empathetic and caring staff understand all  these concerns of patients and makes the transition from hospital to home smoother and  comfortable along with providing right medical care.  


Smoother transition from hospital to home with dedicated caregiver at home would result  in ‘ease of mind’ for patient and the family leading to quicker recuperation. The caregiver would not only make manage to make daily life easier but would make  patients understand all instruction given to patient at the time of discharge. Caregiver are  trained to identify red flags early. They also assist in special diet, exercise, yoga and  physiotherapy at home. This ultimately reduce hospital visit and re-admission rates. So be pro-active and always have medical care at home ready for your loved ones when  they get discharged from a hospital.