Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring
Course Directors :Dr. Niren Bhavsar / Dr. Chintan Sheth
Date: March 11, 2018 (Sunday)
Duration : 1 day
Number of seats : 50
Venue : CIMS Auditorium
Program Overview:
In intensive care and perioperative care, hemodynamic parameters are very dynamic and fluctuating. In-depth understanding of hemodynamic monitoring helps in early identification and prompt treatment of major alteration in it and will help assess the effect of your measures. Technology is rapidly changing and new gadgets are being added daily on a continual basis which directly and indirectly help achieve hemodynamic goals. One needs to be updated with the pace of technology. The course take one through the journey from basic fundamentals to the latest and advanced hemodynamic gadgetry and practical applications by experts.
Program Highlights:
- Basic Hemodynamic monitoring- fundamentals
- Advanced cardiac output monitoring devices and their applications
- Echocardiography as hemodynamic monitoring tool
- Functional hemodynamic monitoring – changing paradigm
- Hemodynamics in operating room, ICU and emergency
- Simulation and hands-on workshop
Registration Fees: 1000/- (Non Refundable)
Spot Registration Fees :1,500/- (Non Refundable)
Certificate of attendance will be given at the end of the Course