Advanced Echocardiography Training-Certification Course

Advanced Echocardiography Training-Certification Course

Course Directors :Prof. Navin Nanda (USA) / Dr. Satya Gupta / Dr. Milan Chag / Dr. Vineet Sankhla / Dr. Tejas V. Patel
Date:  8 January,2017
Duration : 1 day
Venue : CIMS Auditorium

Program Overview:
The advanced echocardiography workshop is aimed at cardiologists, physicians and
cardiac technicians with existing experience in echocardiography. The workshop will
cover a wide range of lectures and live case demonstration of advanced
echocardiography techniques keeping abreast with advances in modern cardiac ultrasound.

Program Highlights:

  • Contrast echocardiography
  • Stress echocardiography
  • Strains & strain imagining echocardiography
  • Transesophageal echocardiography
  • 3-D echocardiography

* Prof. Navin Nanda “Father of Echocardiography” will direct this course.

Schedule of Advanced Echocardiography Training

Month Start Date
January 8 January,2017

Registration Fees:  2,500/-(Up to one month before course date)

Hotel Registration: Separate

 Certificate of attendance will be given at the end of the Internship